Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pain reduced by changing what you look at

Pain reduced by changing what you look at

This won't hurt... much: Patrick Haggard gives science reporter Rebecca Morelle a first-hand look at the pain experiments

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What you look at can influence how much pain you feel, a study has revealed.

Contrary to many people's compulsion to look away during a painful event such as an injection, scientists found that looking at your body - in this case the hand - reduces the pain experienced.

The team also showed that magnifying the hand to make it appear larger cut pain levels further still.

The study, published in Psychological Science, is shedding light on how the brain processes pain.

The researchers say that gaining a better understanding of this could lead to new treatments.

Look away?

The University College London (UCL) and University of Milan-Bicocca research, which was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), was carried out with the help of 18 volunteers.

The scientists applied a heat probe to each participant's hand, gradually increasing the temperature. As soon as this began to feel painful, the probe was removed and the temperature was recorded.

Patrick Haggard, professor of cognitive neuroscience from UCL, explained: "This gives us a measure of the pain threshold, and it is a safe and reliable way of testing when the brain pathways that underline pain become active."

Image of preparing an injection Many people look away during a painful experience like an injection

The scientists then used a set of mirrors to manipulate what the volunteers saw.

The team found that volunteers could tolerate on average 3C more heat when they were looking at their hand in the mirror, compared with when their hand was obscured by a block of wood.

Professor Haggard said: "You always advise children not to look when they are having an injection or a blood sample taken, but we have found that looking at the body is analgesic - just looking at the body reduces pain levels.

"So my advice would be to look at your arm, but try to avoid seeing the needle - if that's possible. "

Brain pain

In another experiment, the researchers used convex mirrors to enlarge the appearance of the participant's hand. They found that doing so meant the volunteers were able to tolerate higher temperatures.

Conversely, when the team made the volunteers' hands look smaller, their pain threshold decreased.

MRI of brain The studies are helping to show how pain is processed in the brain

The researchers said the fact that pain levels were directly proportional to the size the body was viewed at was helping them to better understand the neurological basis of pain.

Professor Haggard said: "We know quite a lot about the pathways that carry pain signals from the body to the brain, but we know rather less about how the brain processes these signals once they arrive.

"Our interest has been in the relationship between the experience of pain and the representation that your brain makes of your own body.

"And we've shown there is an interesting interaction between the brain's visual networks and the brain's pain networks."

The researchers hope that understanding more about the science that underpins pain could one day help to lead to new treatments for chronic conditions.

Dr Flavia Mancini, lead author of the paper, said: "Psychological therapies for pain usually focus on the source of pain, for example by changing expectations or attention.

"However, thinking beyond the pain stimulus, to our body itself, may lead to novel clinical treatments."

Start Quote

Increasingly there is an interest in what the brain does to pain signals”

End Quote Dr Paul Nandi University College Hospital

And doctors say this is vital.

Dr Paul Nandi, a consultant in pain medicine at University College London Hospital's Pain Management Centre, said: "Pain is an enormous problem in the National Health Service and in society generally.

"We do not have precise figures, but it affects several million people in the UK, and it has a huge impact on quality of life.

"It also produces a huge economic burden - if you look at chronic back pain alone, it is estimated that it costs £16bn per annum.

"But this is still widely under-appreciated, and hasn't received the same attention and resources as other areas perceived as 'exciting' in the medical profession."

However, he said that studies like this could help to drive more research.

Dr Nandi explained: "A lot of research in the past few years has focussed on identifying targets in the nervous systems that can be used for treatments.

"But increasingly there is an interest in what the brain does to pain signals, and I think this will be a very exciting field for research in the next few years."


Do Denmark's immigration laws breach human rights?

Do Denmark's immigration laws breach human rights?

Mock marriage performed by activists during a demonstration outside the Danish parliament The tough law on marriages involving a foreign-born spouse has led to satirical mock weddings

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Critics of Denmark's tightening rules on immigration and integration say the country is violating European norms, including human rights legislation. How much has Denmark's approach to these issues been transformed under pressure from a right-wing populist party?

It looks, at first, like a familiar Scandinavian scene.

Outside the Danish parliament in Copenhagen, an international crowd mixing Danish citizens, immigrants from all kinds of backgrounds, is enjoying music and theatre.

"Afro-Danes" are here, reflecting Denmark's long interest in African developments and its past offers of asylum to those fleeing conflicts in Africa and elsewhere.

The crowd laughs as a couple stage a mock marriage. An official asks whether they are marrying "purely for immigration purposes" and "plan to live in a ghetto".

Behind the humour, there is serious anxiety. Denmark has recently tightened its immigration laws again, with a points system designed to make it more difficult for "family reunion" to bring foreigners into the country through marriage.

And the language of "ghettoes", warnings of a threat to "Danish values", are now heard routinely in political and popular debate.

Points system

There are new stricter requirements for would-be immigrants, and for those already in Denmark, who wish to marry a Dane. This is in addition to the already high minimum age of 24 for both the Danish and the foreign would-be spouse, proof of financial independence and an "active commitment to Danish society".

Anti-DPP protestors outside the Danish parliament Opponents of the new points system made their feelings known outside the Danish parliament

The new points system had Thomas Miller, a Dane, and his Mexican wife Carolina so worried they might now have to leave Denmark, that they went to lobby MPs in parliament.

"We are both graduates, we have been living in Denmark for eight years, working and paying our taxes, with no debts to the public system. Despite this, she would get no points," says Thomas.

"It's as if they don't want Danes to marry foreigners anymore. It's very worrying," Carolina adds.

"I'm speechless, it's so unjust," says Thomas. "It's all about the stick, there's no carrot."

Human rights breaches

European and international bodies have pointed out that some of these laws and regulations could be in breach of human rights legislation.


  • The first part of Europe: Driving on the Right about Denmark and Sweden is available on the BBC iPlayer
  • Part two about Austria and Germany is on BBC Radio 4 on Tuesday 15 February at 1600 GMT

Professor Margot Horspool, a specialist in European law at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, says that the restrictions on marrying foreigners "almost certainly breach European Union law in respect of discrimination as to ethnic origin, and possibly as to age".

She also believes the rules may violate EU legal protection of "the right to family life".

Another tightening of the rules prohibits state-funded hostels for the homeless from accepting foreigners who do not have permanent residency status. Reports say that this has led to people freezing to death in the sub-zero winter temperatures.

This, suggests Professor Horspool, breaks EU legal commitments not to subject individuals to inhuman or degrading treatment, laws that amount to an "obligation on the member state to ensure that humans are not left out in the street to freeze or indeed to starve."


  • Both the Danish and the foreign partner need to be at least 24 years old
  • The Danish partner needs to post a bond of £7,200 collateral ($11,600)
  • The foreign partner has to pass a language and knowledge test
  • Both need to demonstrate a combined attachment to Denmark greater than to any other country

The Danish government denies that its laws breach human rights, and says the 24-year age restriction is to prevent forced marriages.

Naser Khader, himself of Palestinian and Syrian descent, is now the immigration spokesman for the Conservatives, part of the governing coalition which depends on the votes of the DPP, the anti-immigration Danish People's Party.

He defends the toughened immigration policies: "We have a lot of people with an immigrant background who married cousins from their parents' villages, who came to Denmark with no language skills, education or work experience and became a great cost to Danish society."

"Denmark should welcome anybody who wants to contribute to this society, but we don't want people who don't want to contribute," he adds.


All this is part, say critics, of a decade-long transformation in Denmark's approach to immigration and integration, under pressure from the populist Danish People's party, the DPP.

Pia Kjaersgaard DPP leader Pia Kjaersgaard enjoys holding the balance of power in parliament

The DPP is led by Pia Kjaersgaard, a former social worker in an old people's home. "We founded the party because of too many immigrants," she says.

She likes to present a homely, common sense image. "I am very powerful," she told me, "but I am also just a housewife and mother".

Denmark's Muslim population are the party's particular focus. There are many Muslims, its says, who are unwilling to integrate and hostile to "Danish values" such as free speech.

The "cartoons crisis" in 2005 boosted DPP support, when a Danish newspaper published cartoons satirising the Prophet Mohammed. Many Muslims in Denmark and abroad objected, some violently.

The party has yet to win more than around 15% of the vote in elections. But what has given it such influence is Denmark's coalition politics. For a decade ruling parties have depended on DPP MPs to get legislation through.

In return, the DPP has secured other parties' agreement to ever stricter rules on immigration and integration.

Toeger Seidenfaden The late Toeger Seidenfaden regretted many Danish politicians' decreasing interest in human rights

This has "made everyone aware of [the DPP's] power," the late Toger Seidenfaden, Denmark's top political commentator, told me shortly before his death last month. The DPP has become "highly visible", and is seen as the "winner of the game", he said.

Mainstream parties originally tried to ignore the DPP or dismiss it as "not house-trained", unworthy of political attention.

But more recently several parties have abandoned that stance, accepting the DPP as permanent part of the political and parliamentary scene.

In Denmark, as in many other European countries, new populist parties and movements are moving from the margins and shaping the way immigration and integration is debated.




Here is a better question:

Since when did the government have a right to restrict whom I can and cannot marry?

This question is absurd. Governments make people's lives easier. They do not step into them or on them.

This is a clear violation of every ethical mandate since the dawn of time til now.

I cannot marry my spouse because she/he does not meet your requirements? Shame on Denmark. How crazy a system, it's pathetic in it's idea let alone in trying to apply it to the real world.

It even has an arbitrary age guideline of 24....