Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Strange Allure of the Gold Standard

The Strange Allure of the Gold Standard

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Stacks of gold bars.

Some Republicans want to take the country forward by taking us back — way back – to the gold standard. The Republican party platform, approved on Tuesday, warns against the evils of “easy money and loose credit” and calls for a commission to ”investigate possible ways to set a fixed value for the dollar.” This proposal is clearly a sop to Ron Paul, who made “sound money” one of his big issues during his failed campaign, and has about as much chance of being enacted as Romney has of winning the African-American vote. But the mere fact of its existence is significant.

Almost everyone who is not Ron Paul, or at the very least a Ron Paul fan, thinks the idea of returning to the gold standard is daft. A recent University of Chicago poll of top academic economists found precisely zero who thought that was a good idea. Liberal commenters are aghast that the issue is even being raised. Economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has described the gold standard as  “an almost comically (and cosmically) bad idea.” On The Atlantic, Matthew O’Brien called the gold standard “the world’s worst economic idea.” He conceded that “[t]here might be worse ideas than this, but they generally involve jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge because everybody else is doing it.”
But aversion for the gold standard is hardly confined to the left. Economist Milton Friedman, the late king of the monetarists, argued that the idea was fundamentally “anti-libertarian because what they mean by a gold standard is a governmentally fixed price for gold.”
(MORE: Is the U.S. Headed for a Double-Dip Recession?)
Yet the gold standard still has its fans. What’s the appeal? True goldbugs have an almost religious faith in the power of the precious metal, and a deep distrust of government. To some, what they call “sound money” is the only moral solution. At a conference organized by the libertarian Cato Institute last fall, speakers denounced our current policy of “fiat money” with the fervor of preachers. As George Melloan observed in the American Spectator,
“the consensus view [as the conference] seemed to be that in these parlous times a return to the gold standard might very well be the only way to restore order in the bawdy house Washington has become.”
What worries the goldbug the most is the specter of inflation, which some at the conference referred to as not only harmful but “immoral.” When the government can print money on demand — without having to back up its bucks with real gold — goldbugs warn, the end result can be hyperinflation and economic chaos.
And, as Joe Weisenthal points out on Business Insider, “the ability to create fiat money out of thin air is a stealth form of taxation, because the creation of more dollars diminishes the value of those already in existence.” This makes the gold standard especially enticing to tax-hating conservatives.
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The trouble is that the idea of gold as a bulwark against economic chaos is based on illusions. Going on the gold standard would essentially require an instant end to deficits, robbing to government of its ability to fight recessions (and possible depressions) with stimulus money. Moreover, it would link the value of the dollar to the gold supply, leaving our economic future in the hands of gold miners. If miners were to strike, as Noam Scheiber notes in The New Republic,
there [would] be too few dollars relative to the amount of buying and selling going on in the economy. When there are too few dollars, each dollar becomes more valuable, and people start to hoard them. Spending slows and the economy collapses.
We all saw what happened when banks started hoarding their dollars during the financial crisis; imagine what might have happened if the rest of us had done the same.
Anyone who thinks the gold standard means stability needs only look at American history to see that theory rebutted, again and again, by the crashes and “panics” of the gilded age and afterwards. As Krugman sardonically notes, “under the gold standard America had no major financial panics other than in 1873, 1884, 1890, 1893, 1907, 1930, 1931, 1932, and 1933.”
Given all this, it seems likely that any commission tasked with examining the gold standard would return with a conclusion similar to that reached by the Reagan Gold Commission back in 1982, the last time such an exercise was conducted: that a return to the gold standard “does not appear to be a fruitful method for dealing with the continuing problem of inflation.” That’s putting it mildly.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Organic food 'not any healthier'

Organic food 'not any healthier'

Organic egg 
  Food labelled as organic must meet certain standards

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Eating organic food will not make you healthier, according to researchers at Stanford University, although it could cut your exposure to pesticides.
They looked at more than 200 studies of the content and associated health gains of organic and non-organic foods.
Overall, there was no discernable difference between the nutritional content, although the organic food was 30% less likely to contain pesticides.
Critics say the work is inconclusive and call for more studies.
The research, published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, looked at 17 studies comparing people who ate organic with those who did not and 223 studies that compared the levels of nutrients, bacteria, fungus or pesticides in various foods - including fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, milk and eggs.

“Start Quote

There isn't much difference between organic and conventional foods, if you're an adult and making a decision based solely on your health”
Dr Cyrstal Smith-Spangler Lead researcher
None of the human studies ran for longer than two years, making conclusions about long-term outcomes impossible. And all of the available evidence was relatively weak and highly variable - which the authors say is unsurprising because of all the different variables, like weather and soil type, involved.
Fruit and vegetables contained similar amounts of vitamins, and milk the same amount of protein and fat - although a few studies suggested organic milk contained more omega-3.
Organic foods did contain more nitrogen, but the researchers say this is probably due to differences in fertiliser use and ripeness at harvest and is unlikely to provide any health benefit.
Their findings support those of the UK's Food Standards Agency, which commissioned a review a few years ago into organic food claims.


  • Organic food is produced to standards designed to keep the production more "natural", using environmentally and animal-friendly farming methods
  • Fewer, if any, chemicals are used and most pesticides are banned or very carefully controlled
  • Various bodies in the UK, including the Soil Association, certify food and producers as organic
  • Food certified as organic is not allowed to contain genetically modified ingredients
Prof Alan Dangour, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who carried out that work, said: "Consumers select organic foods for a variety of reasons, however this latest review identifies that at present there are no convincing differences between organic and conventional foods in nutrient content or health benefits.
"Hopefully this evidence will be useful to consumers."
Dr Crystal Smith-Spangler, the lead author of the latest review, said there were many reasons why people chose to eat organic, including animal welfare or environmental concerns.
"Some believe that organic food is always healthier and more nutritious. We were a little surprised that we didn't find that.
"There isn't much difference between organic and conventional foods, if you're an adult and making a decision based solely on your health."
But the Soil Association said the study was flawed.
"Studies that treat crop trials as if they were clinical trials of medicines, like this one, exaggerate the variation between studies, and drown out the real differences.
"A UK review paper, using the correct statistical analysis, has found that most of the differences in nutrient levels between organic and non-organic fruit and vegetables seen in this US study are actually highly significant."
