About E.I News

A tale of woe

The truth doesn't want to be heard. It doesn't ask for attention, nor does it win any popularity contests.

The truth doesn't like to be found or exist out in the open because it destroys too many of it's opponents.

Being the lazy and lonely creature that it is, you find it pushed aside, waiting patiently for someone to find it. In these times the truth waits like one who has died.

There is no coming back, no second birth. This wait is dragged on, year after year, because the people think they have found the truth.

The truth is seen widely by everyone. With three independent and powerful news networks all scrounging around for it, how can it not be found?

Oh they mean not to find the truth you say and simply to find satisfaction? What do you mean by this satisfaction? Satisfaction as to having attempted to find the truth when in reality being spoon fed lies?

Is this the process you speak of?

This is the process America is in and it has born a citizen of delirium who never really knows what happens.

What can we do to remedy it? Where can we find exhaustively researched and immaculately clean news?

Why I Exist

You just textually read why this site exists, now watch visually the utter frustration people like me feel.


Sadly I wasn't awakened til I had to be by force. The cable was cut and the spoon feeding stopped.

I was so accustomed, so interested, and so curious about world news and politics that I needed an outlet; many outlets.
At first, after treading the waters carefully, the news came in. It took more researching and enlightened more positions than I deemed possible.

The lies crept up yet could be distinguished away from the truth. My friends would mention the same story I would, only the lies they heard were clearly written off by me.

It became a trend; not willingly. Often the story they heard was wrong and often I had the details to remove the half truths.

A Congressmen seemed to work for America in one view and in the next it was all a facade; a mask. The Democrats were supposed to hold social values and strong government mentalities but they started vanishing too.

The Republicans must have been the moral and fiscal conservatives yet that picture cleared away quite clearly.

Outside In
You can never truly be unhooked. To satisfy my curiosity I did peer from the outside in, on the news networks. I watched how MSNBC and CNN covered certain stories by watching their videos online. I glimpsed to see if FOX had continued being the same propagandists they were before; and they didn't fail me.

Yet now the lies were made clearer. Now the picture was bolder, bigger, and brighter.
The corners were more apparent and the hues of different colors.

I was a changed person. I am who millions of Americans are becoming. I am an unfiltered rogue scanning the channels of news for scraps of truth.

I am a revolutionary in the battle for knowledge and by proxy of power. I am no longer manipulated as easily. I am reborn.

Here at Exhaustive and Immaculate News (E.I News), you will be too.

Our Sources (Ranked in Priority and Strength):

  • 1) BBC
  • 2) Al Jazeera
  • 3) Time.com
  • 4) RT (Russia Today)
  • 5) New York Times
  • 6) TYT, The Young Turks (Best outlet for Domestic news)
To Inform and Free
Articles will be posted in full to help fight Government instituted ignorance. Those governments who censor the above sources will not so easily find us.

Yet Google will be a lot friendlier and people will use E.I News as a back door service when they can not access the main content on the hosts website.

Through this we will not only cover your news but break the chains of Government sponsored ignorance.

Join me as I post the most relevant articles of our time. Make E.I News your number 1 source for instant truth and instant power.

The ties that bound you, the satisfaction you got from the traditional media was all a charade.
End the cycle, uplift your knowledge, and peer at the world; through unfiltered eyes.


Background on the name

Exhaustive = exhaustively covered.

We really scour the news hard to get you the facts. We also only post the most important and relevant material.

Immaculate = only the purest and most truthful.

So E.I news aims to bring you the most important stories that are immaculately truthful and we do so with an exhaustive and extensive search of all media.