Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cowper-Coles: 'Arab youth need jobs and education'

Cowper-Coles: 'Arab youth need jobs and education'

Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, a former British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Israel, says the key to a stable Middle East is to provide the youth with education and jobs as well as a representative government, not necessarily a Western liberal democracy.

This comes as President Obama, on a visit to Europe, says that he supports those fighting for democratic freedoms in the Arab world.

Zeinab Badawi spoke to Sir Cowper-Coles about whether he believes Western foreign policy in the Muslim world now reflects values - or is it based on self-interest?




Zeinab Badawi is right to press the issue of Saudi Arabia. It's being propped up and Prime Minister Cameron was correct to understand that monarchy lead regimes SHOULD NOT BE PROPPED UP.

Unjust regimes, like those in Saudi Arabia, lead by Wahabbi extremists that created Al Qaida and Osama Bin Ladin, need to be criticized.

We're not asking for war, simply a fact that you denounce publicly a country that is oppressing it's people.

This is not culture, this is not popular, and this is not right. The Saudi people are denied their human rights, decade by decade. This will continue until either the Monarchy falls or they revolt and force it to fall.

The regime in Saudi Arabia HAS lost the support of its people.

The inability to see this is just ignorance or the work of a fool.

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