- 1. Public Campaign Financing. Buy the politicians or someone else will, such as big business. Right now the constituents of the politicians are big business interests. We need that to change.
- 2. Tax reform = Increase Revenues. U.S revenues at record lows not seen since 1950's, at 14% of GDP. Higher revenues, lower debt, and more public goods.
- 3. Defense spending tripled from 1997, needs to be lowered. End wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen.
- 4. 2008 financial collapse solution = Taxing speculators and taxing Derivatives markets. Reintroduce Glass-Stiegal and other regulations cut in the 90's.
- 5. FIX HEALTH CARE = 17% of GDP, completely unacceptably high cost. Enact Universal Healthcare.
- 6. Get rid of Judicial review as it's unconstitutional. If unable, hold Justices more accountable to public.
- 7. Drug war is a failure, end it. Criminalizing drugs creates black markets.
- 8. Invest in Jobs and Public infrastructure. Nearly 1 trillion dollars needed to fix existing American infrastructure issues.
- 9. Foreign Policy: Pressure Israel to create a framework for peace since they seem to be holding back not accepting Obama's 1967 borders with swaps.
- 10. Immigration: Allow children of Illegal immigrants that were brought here and do well, to have a path to citizenship. Overall immigration reform is also needed.
- 11. Invest in Renewable Energy solutions aiming for 70%(~2/3) of America's energy to be renewable by 2033.
- 12. Reform Education and provide Higher education beyond K-12 for all citizens.
- 13. Prison industrial complex: Make privatization of prisons illegal. Privatized prison systems lead to corruption and the only way to increase profits and lobby to gate more inmates.
- 14. Re-evaluate trade policies so as not to entice businesses to go overseas. Try to keep a robust trade policy that discourages large trade deficits.
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