Friday, May 21, 2010

Obama asset list boosted by $1,600 gift of waterdog Bo

Obama asset list boosted by $1,600 gift of waterdog Bo

Bo, the Obamas' dog The Obamas' dog Bo is valued at $1,600

Barack Obama made millions in book royalties last year and took delivery of a special $1,600 gift - the family dog Bo, financial records show.

Royalties from "Dreams From My Father" and "Audacity of Hope" earned him at least $1m each, according to filings released by the White House.

Bo, a Portuguese water dog given to the Obamas by the late Senator Edward Kennedy and his wife was valued at $1,600 in Mr Obama's financial disclosure form.

The value of Mr Obama's Nobel peace prize medal and diploma were "not readily ascertainable", the document said.

But he donated to charity the award's $1.4m prize money.


  • Dog Bo: $1,600
  • US treasury notes: $500,000 - $1m
  • US treasury bills: $1m - $5m
  • College savings plans: $200,000 - $500,000
  • Book royalties: $2m - $10m

Vice-President Joe Biden disclosed between $155,029 and $675,000 in assets.

The disclosure forms do not typically list exact values for assets and income items, instead giving a range.

Among the president's $2.3m to $7.7m in assets are checking accounts, US treasury notes and bills, college savings plans for daughters Sasha and Malia and a pension from his service in the Illinois state legislature.

The US president also made hundreds of thousands of dollars from the sale of securities inherited from his grandmother.

In April, the White House disclosed the president's tax filings showing he and Mrs Obama had earned $5.5m, mainly from book royalties.

In addition to his book income, the president earns a salary of $400,000 per year from the US government.


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